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Vidalista (Tadalafil)

Vidalista (Tadalafil)

Vidalista comes as fast-acting and easy-to-take tablets used to treat the symptoms of two disorders in male reproductive system: difficulty getting or maintaining an erection and prostate enlargement.

The unique characteristic of Vidalista is that this drug surpasses all its analogues by such parameter as the effect duration (therapeutic window). The drug is active for about 36 hours allowing to achieve greater spontaneity in sex. This gives men more freedom in choosing the place and time for sexual contact with a partner.

Aktiivinen ainesosa: Tadalafil

  • Toimitus 4-9 päivää
  • Maksutavat
Ilmainen toimitus yli tilauksille 200.00€
Hiustenlähtöä vastaan
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Drug Info

  • Brand Name: Vidalista;
  • Active Ingredient: Tadalafil;
  • Manufacturer: Centurion Laboratories.

Vidalista and its drug substance Tadalafil

Each Vidalista tablet contains Tadalafil as an active substance. Similar to Sildenafil by its therapeutic effects, Tadalafil proved to be more effective in terms of the action duration (up to 36 hours).

Tadalafil effects:

  • It has a relaxing effect on the arteries of the pelvic organs;
  • It improves circulation (flow) of blood to the penis and induces and/or maintains erection;
  • It increases blood flow to the smooth muscles of the bladder and prostate, thus alleviating the symptoms of BPH;
  • Effects over the blood vessels can begin in about 30 minutes and last up to 36 hours or more;
  • The concentration of Tadalafil in the body decreases by 50 % in about 18 hours, but the drug continues to work.

It takes some time for Vidalista tablets to get into the bloodstream and reach the required concentration to start working. Wait for the recommended period of time (½–1 hour) for you to be able to achieve a full erection.

Once the medicine has taken its effect, you can focus on the foreplay. The male sexual organ will not get hard without sexual stimulation.

Indications for use

The drug can be prescribed to men over 18 years of age, who suffer from:

  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Treatment regimens and dosages

The manufacturer has developed this drug in several dosages for oral use: film-coated tablets of Vidalista 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg and 80 mg.

The doses and frequency of use of this medication differ for different patients depending on the age and severity of erectile dysfunction.

  • The initial dosage that provides the most optimal result is 10 mg of Vidalista, not less than ½ hour before sexual intercourse, not more than once a day;
  • The dose may be adjusted depending on the success of the treatment;
  • In case of a good treatment effect in the past and high demands for sex, a fixed low dose of 2.5–5 mg per day may be considered for use.

Important information: With daily doses of 2.5 mg and 5 mg you can maintain erection around the clock and you can start intercourse at any time.

Vidalista dosage for enlarged prostate

Dosage: it is recommended to take Vidalista 5 mg (1 tablet) daily. It would be better to take the tablets at about the same time.

The drug is evenly absorbed into the blood depending on the dose and time of administration and slightly depending on food intake.

Be sure to consult a doctor before changing your dosage or dosage regimen. A regular dosage schedule reduces the chance of underdosing or overdosing.

Recommendations for use

These pills may not work as expected. To reduce this possibility:

  • Take a dose of Vidalista ½–1 hour before sex, no more than once a day;
  • Take daily doses approximately every 24 hours;
  • It would be better to take this medicine with at least one full glass of water.

In some men, Tadalafil absorption rate was lower in the morning than in the evening. If you take the drug in the morning and do not know how fast it works for you, wait more than ½–1 hour.

Missed Dose

Avoid taking double doses or missing doses. If you forget to take your daily dose of Vidalista, take it as soon as you remember, but no more than one dose per day.


Before you start using the tablets, consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • Circulatory disorders;
  • Blood coagulation disorders;
  • Leukemia or myeloma;
  • Penis deformity;
  • Decreased or increased blood pressure;
  • Penis inflammation or infection;
  • Active stomach ulcer;
  • Decreased or blurred vision;
  • Diabetes;
  • Inherited sickle cell anemia (blood disorder);
  • Prolonged and/or painful erection;
  • Serious liver or kidney disease;
  • Increased blood lipid concentration.

Before starting the treatment for BPH, it is necessary to exclude the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Use of Vidalista during pregnancy

The drug is not intended for women.

Possible side effects

The side effects of Vidalista do not affect most men — the risk of experiencing side effects is usually quite low. However, as with any medication, there is always the possibility that you may experience both positive and negative effects.

With Vidalista, you have a small risk of side effects (affecting 1% to 10% of patients), such as:

  • Headache in the temporoparietal or occipital region with pulsations or without them;
  • Hot flashes (episodic skin redness, usually the upper torso);
  • Nasal congestion with discharge or without it;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Pain sensations in the muscles, back, arms, or legs.

Most of the men do not stop using Vidalista as side effects are usually mild and disappear with time.

Vidalista: interaction with other drugs

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: If you take nitrates for heart diseases or other purposes, NEVER USE Vidalista or any other ED medications or medicines containing nitrates. This can lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure.

You should avoid taking Vidalista with alcohol, especially in large quantities. This may increase the effects of alcohol, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and slow reaction.

The examples of other interactions include:

  • The effectiveness of Vidalista may decrease when using drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis (Rifabutin and Rifampicin), antiepileptic drugs (Carbamazepine and Phenobarbital), and corticosteroids (Prednisolone);
  • The concentration of Vidalista in the blood or the therapeutic effect of the drug may increase if you take antifungal agents (Itraconazole, Voriconazole), drugs for the treatment of bacterial infections (Erythromycin and Clarithromycin), and drugs for the treatment of HIV infection;


Store in a dry, dark place (not in a bathroom) at a temperature not exceeding 30°C.

The best offer for Vidalista online on the market

Everything we do at our online pharmacy is related with our concept — caring for customer's health and their full satisfaction. We are glad that we won the recognition, attention and even love of customers much faster than we expected.

The main disadvantage of some ED drugs is the high cost, which is so high that many people cannot afford the regular use of the drugs.

We were looking for a balance between an affordable price and high quality, because we know that you are serious about both price and quality. We collaborate only with certified partners, strictly following international standards and are ready to offer the best medicines at affordable prices.

Take the following into account when buying Vidalista online:

  • ED drugs themselves are inexpensive. Their formula is known, the production process is understandable for the manufacturer, production costs are low;
  • Original medicines are expensive. The main part of their price comes from the brand and the costs associated with the promotion of the drug (advertising, development, etc.).

Order Vidalista online, get one of the best Tadalafil-based generics and enjoy great sex with your partner.

Vidalista suosittelut

  • LH
    Linda Henriksson
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Vidalista 5 mg tabletit ovat aivan super, parempi kuin 20 mg tabletit tarpeen mukaan otettuna! Vaikutus on jatkuva, seksiä mihin aikaan päivästä tai yöstä tahansa. Mitään erityisiä sivuvaikutuksia ei ollut, mutta huomasin, että aloin käydä vessassa harvemmin.

  • OM
    Olli Mäkipelto
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Minulla oli seksuaalisia ongelmia vaimoni kanssa (ei erektiota). Nämä ongelmat aiheuttivat sisäisiä ristiriitoja, koska vaimo ei pitänyt itseään enää niin houkuttelevana. Ratkaistakseni tämän ongelman menin urologille. Joidenkin testien jälkeen lääkäri neuvoi minua ottamaan Tadalafilia, ja suostuin siihen. Lääkäri selvensi, että pillerit toimivat vain, jos vaimo osallistuu aktiivisesti. Tilasin Vidalistan, kun paketti toimitettiin, näytin lääkkeen vaimolleni ja kerroin lääkärin suosituksista. Seksielämä on parantunut. Vaimo on hoitokumppanini, suunnittelemme seksiä etukäteen, jotta pilleri ehtii vaikuttaa.

  • LI
    Launo Isovirta
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Hei kaikille. Olisi mielenkiintoista tietää muiden miesten mielipide, jotka ovat ottaneet Vidalista ja alkuperäistä lääkettä. Onko kenelläkään teistä ollut tällaista kokemusta? Oliko olo yhtä hyvä sivuvaikutuksineen (lähinnä kuumotukset kasvoissa)? Loppujen lopuksi näissä lääkkeissä on sama vaikuttava aine, joten vaikutuksen pitäisi olla sama.

  • HK
    Hannu Koivula
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Tiedän, että erektiohäiriöihin tarkoitettujen alkuperäisten lääkkeiden ostamiseen mistä tahansa apteekista tarvitaan resepti, tai ne eivät myy niitä sinulle. En tiedä, kuinka moni mies on halukas keskustelemaan intiimeistä ongelmistaan lääkärin kanssa. Mitä minuun tulee, en enää mene lääkäriin ja ostan Vidalista verkossa. Sitä paitsi rinnakkaisvalmiste on paljon halvempi. Mielestäni alkuperäislääkkeiden hinta on yksinkertaisesti taivaan tuuliin. Tuomioni: Vidalista toimii loistavasti, ainakin minun kokemukseni mukaan. Hinta on alhaisempi, mutta tulos on sama. Päätä itse, onnea polullesi!

  • AJ
    Aatto Juhani Tamminen
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Minulla oli erektio-ongelmia: joskus se oli lyhyt, joskus se ei ollut tarpeeksi kova. Päätin, etten siedä heikentynyttä erektiotoimintaani. Olen käyttänyt pillereitä vuodesta 2020 lähtien. Aluksi ostin Vidalista apteekista. Sitten vertasin hintoja ja aloin ostaa Vidalista verkossa. Ei havaittavia sivuvaikutuksia (olen sairaanhoitaja poika, jolla on 30 vuoden kokemus).


Käytämme omia ja kolmannen osapuolen evästeitä parantaaksemme selauskokemusta ja tarjotaksemme sinua kiinnostavaa sisältöä. Jatkamalla selaamista hyväksyt evästekäytäntömme. Saat lisätietoja ottamalla yhteyttä asiantuntijoihimme.