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Kamagra Polo

Kamagra Polo

Kamagra Polo is chewable tablets for improvement of potency. The drug can be chewed, kept under the tongue, or taken orally with water, like regular tablets.
The effect of using Kamagra Polo comes in 30–40 minutes. This feature is due to the fact that the active substance of chewable tablets, Sildenafil, is broken down in the mouth and gets into the bloodstream bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, unlike regular tablets.

The drug provides a stable erection, necessary for a sound sex act. However, an erection isn't achieved only from taking a pill. For the drug to work, sexual stimulation is required.

Aktiivinen ainesosa: Sildenafil

  • Toimitus 4-9 päivää
  • Maksutavat
Ilmainen toimitus yli tilauksille 200.00€
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Kamagra Polo


Drug info

  • Brand Name: Kamagra Polo;
  • Active Ingredient: Sildenafil;
  • Manufacturer: Ajanta Pharma Ltd.

Kamagra Polo and its drug substance Sildenafil

Kamagra Polo chewable tablets act on the body with the help of Sildenafil, a selective inhibitor of the PDE-5 enzyme.

Phosphodiesterase type 5 blocks the work of nitric oxide, which is necessary to relax the blood vessels of the penis and fill its tissues with blood. In turn, Sildenafil is able to neutralize the activity of PDE-5 in the pelvic organs. In other body systems, Sildenafil has virtually no effect on PDE-5.

By blocking PDE-5, Sildenafil restores natural blood flow in the tissues of the penis. As a result, the erectile function is restored, which is necessary for a sound sex act.

Sildenafil also has a positive effect on the blood supply to the prostate and lower urinary tract, so it is often prescribed for benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Indications for use

The drug can be used by men over 18 years of age with confirmed diagnoses of:

  • Erectile dysfunction of organic origin;
  • Erectile dysfunction of psychogenic origin.

Treatment regimens and dosages

  • If you want to have a stable erection after the first intake, use the standard daily dose of Kamagra Polo 100 mg;
  • It is recommended to take the tablet 40 minutes before the planned sex act;
  • Elderly people may need a reduced dose of the drug.

It is not recommended to take the pills on a daily basis without first consulting a doctor.

Recommendations for use

  • You should chew a Kamagra Polo 100 mg tablet until completely dissolved;
  • You may take the tablet with water, milk or juice if desired*;
  • It is not recommended to take Kamagra Polo 100 mg tablets if you used alcohol or other ethanol-containing substances within the last 10 hours;
  • It is not recommended to take more than 100 mg a day, as this is the maximum safe dose;

*It is recommended not to take Kamagra Polo tablets with grapefruit juice, as the enzymes present in it can increase the bioavailability of Sildenafil, which may lead to side effects.

Missed dose

Don't increase or miss doses. Follow the dosage regimen provided by your doctor.


Kamagra Polo tablets are contraindicated for patients with:

  • Allergy to Sildenafil;
  • Severe forms of liver and kidney disorders;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Congenital or acquired penis deformities;
  • Undertreated gastric or duodenal ulcer;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Leukemia;
  • Unstable angina;
  • Arterial hypertension.

The drug is contraindicated for men recovering from a stroke or myocardial infarction. It is acceptable to use Kamagra Polo tablets no earlier than six months after a stroke or heart attack and only after consulting a doctor.

Possible side effects

For most men, Kamagra Polo does not cause side effects. In some cases, there may be:

  • Cold in the head;
  • Increased light sensitivity of the eyes;
  • Vision impairment;
  • Nausea;
  • Gastrointestinal disorder;
  • Backache;
  • Headache;
  • Labored respiration;
  • Mild skin rashes.

The above side effects resolve within a few hours. If any side effect does not go away on its own, you should consult your doctor.

Use of Kamagra Polo during pregnancy

The drug is intended for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction. Women aren't recommended to take the medicine during pregnancy or lactation, since its possible effect on the female body has not been fully studied.

Interaction with other drugs

You shouldn't take Kamagra Polo 100 mg tablets if you are currently taking:

  • Nitrates;
  • Beta blockers;
  • Nitric oxide donators;
  • Antiepileptic drugs;
  • Erythromycin;

Simultaneous use of Kamagra Polo and drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases with hypotensive effect may cause serious side effects.

Also, you should refrain from taking Kamagra Polo if you are taking other drugs for the treatment of ED, especially those containing PDE-5 inhibitor substances.


Store in a dry place at a room temperature of 20–25 °C, out of the reach of children.

How to buy Kamagra Polo tablets online?

With our online pharmacy you will forever forget about the deficit of medicines and high prices. Here you can buy Kamagra Polo online in a few minutes and at a bargain price!

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The quality of the goods you purchase is also guaranteed. We work directly with the manufacturer and carefully check the quality of medical products we receive at our storehouse in Europe. Only after our checking, Kamagra Polo can be delivered to our customers.

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Kamagra Polo suosittelut

  • DE
    Daniel Ekholm
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Olen kärsinyt erektiohäiriöstä jo noin 20 vuotta. Kamagra Polon kokeileminen muutti elämäni ja antoi minulle mahdollisuuden tyydyttää kumppanini.

  • MP
    Matti Parviainen
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Olen lähestymässä 70:tä vuotta ja olen havainnut tämän tuotteen olevan erittäin hyödyllinen. Kamagra on loistava, koska nyt pystyn hidastamaan vauhtia ja nauttimaan hetkestä, kun en tunne menettäväni erektiota.

  • MT
    Markus Tikka
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Viime kuukausien aikana huomasin, että minun oli vaikeampi ylläpitää erektiota pitkään, eikä se ollut yhtä kova. Niinpä aloitin sildenafiilihoidon ja käytän nyt Kamagraa aina, kun aion harrastaa seksiä. Kaikki toimii erinomaisesti näiden pillereiden kanssa.

  • HP
    Henkka Paananen
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Olen käyttänyt Kamagraa 2 ja puoli vuotta. Hyvät tulokset, luja erektio vähintään puolen tunnin ajan aktiivisen seksin aikana.

  • RK
    Reijo Ketonen
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    100% tehokkuus!!! Kamagra Polo oli erinomainen ja erektioni ovat olleet todella lujat joka kerta, kun olen käyttänyt sitä.


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