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Antabuse (Disulfiram)

Antabuse (Disulfiram)

If you decide to give up alcohol and return to a sober life, Antabuse is what can help you achieve your goal. The drug does not treat alcohol dependence, but acts as a deterrent to further drinking.

It has been proven that a person is less likely to return to drinking if he/she has his/her own desire and additional support. Antabuse alone or combined with specialist counseling, family support, self-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous will more likely help to abstain from alcohol.

Aktiivinen ainesosa: Disulfiram

  • Toimitus 4-9 päivää
  • Maksutavat
Ilmainen toimitus yli tilauksille 200.00€
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Antabuse Generic


Drug Info

  • Brand Name: Antabuse;
  • Active Ingredient: Disulfiram;
  • Manufacturer: PLIVA.

Antabuse and its active substance Disulfiram

Disulfiram is the active ingredient, which was used to create the original Antabuse medication. Unlike other drugs that help people stay sober, Disulfiram does not affect receptors of the brain. The drug affects how alcohol and the substances that are formed from it are metabolized in the human body.

Here's what happens when you use Antabuse with alcohol:

  • As before, alcohol is broken down in the body with the formation of acetaldehyde (the toxic substance responsible for hangover);
  • Acetaldehyde stops being oxidized, which leads to the accumulation of this toxin in the body.

About 10 minutes after drinking alcohol, severe intoxication occurs, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, such as:

  • Hot flushes;
  • Labored respiration;
  • Abdominal discomfort;
  • Limb numbness;
  • Involuntary stomach emptying;
  • Skin redness (usually on the face, arms, and chest);
  • Increased heartbeat;
  • Sudden fainting;
  • Feeling of energy lack;
  • Excessive sweating (in certain areas of the body);
  • Feeling of throat constriction and irritation.

Remember that Antabuse tablets act exactly as a deterrent. Until ethyl alcohol gets in the body, you usually will not feel the effect of the medicine.

Indications for use

Antabuse makes it possible to speed up the recovery of patients suffering from mild, moderate or severe alcohol dependence.

Depending on the specific case, maintenance therapy may be required for months or even years.

This drug should not be prescribed or given to patients without informing them.

Where to buy Antabuse? Possible options

If you are willing to quickly buy Antabuse at the best price, you have come to the right place. In our online pharmacy, you can place an order for Antabuse delivery 3 times cheaper than anywhere else in your local pharmacies.

The main advantage of our online pharmacy is the lower price compared to conventional pharmacies due to lower logistics costs and low site maintenance costs.

We offer our customers Antabuse pills at wholesale prices from the manufacturer.

The ordering process is quick and easy. Antabuse tablets are delivered in discrete packaging without labels indicating the contents of the package. High quality and low prices are guaranteed.

Another advantage of our pharmacy is the confidentiality of your order. That is, we provide our customers with complete anonymity and the order is delivered in an opaque package. Even the courier does not know what kind of medicine he delivers to your home. Therefore, if you want to keep your problem a secret and buy Antabuse without publicity, the best option is to place an order on our website.

Treatment regimens and dosages

Antabuse is available in tablets for oral intake. If you want to buy Antabuse, you will see that the drug is available in 2 dosages:

  • Antabuse 250 mg tablets;
  • Antabuse 500 mg tablets.

Your doctor will advise the dosage you need. This drug is used once a day, usually in the morning. If drowsiness occurs during treatment, the pills can be taken in the evening.

Conventionally, treatment consists of 2 phases. As a rule, in the first phase of therapy it is recommended:

  • To use the highest possible dose of 500 mg to better deal with any urge to drink;
  • To continue taking the dose of 500 mg for 1–2 weeks to maintain the effect of the treatment.

Depending on the effectiveness and progress of treatment in the second maintenance phase of treatment, it may be recommended:

  • To use the standard dose of 250 mg;
  • To continue using the maximum dose of 500 mg;
  • To reduce the dose to 125 mg.

The duration of treatment with Antabuse is individual, usually it lasts until the patient begins to fully control the maintenance of sobriety.

Recommendations for use

To ensure the maximum benefit of alcoholism treatment and feel better, patients should follow the tips below:

  • Take the pills whole with a full glass of water before or after meals;
  • Take the tablets at the same time every day;
  • Tell your doctor if you feel better or worse.


Do not take the first dose if you drank alcohol in the last 24 hours or until your blood alcohol level reaches zero. This can result in dangerous interactions.

If you experience too many side effects, you can divide your daily dose of Antabuse in two parts: one part in the morning and one part in the late afternoon or early evening.

Missed Dose

Avoid missing doses or taking double doses. If you use the standard dosage regimen (once a day) and you forget to take a dose, skip it if your next dose is 12 hours or less away.


There are several medical reasons why Antabuse should not be used or should be taken with caution, including:

  • Epileptic seizures;
  • Vascular brain diseases;
  • Impaired kidney function;
  • Liver failure;
  • Chronically high blood sugar;
  • Low thyroid hormone production.

Do not take Antabuse, if:

  • You are allergic to Disulfiram;
  • You keep drinking;
  • You have hypertension;
  • You have a severe personality disorder.

Alcohol and drugs containing alcohol should be avoided until the drug is completely eliminated from the patient body. Driving a car and operating machinery can be dangerous due to the risk of drowsiness.

Use of Antabuse during pregnancy

Pregnant women should not take this medicine as there is a risk of harm to the health of the future mother or her baby. The pharmacological action of Disulfiram on the embryo and fetus remains unexplored.

Possible side effects

The tablets containing Disulfiram may cause side effects and may not be suitable for everyone. Before you buy and use Antabuse, it is advisable to find out about the side effects that the medicine may cause, so that you can take appropriate actions, if they occur.

The most common adverse reactions during treatment are as follows:

  • Depressed mood;
  • Strong irritability;
  • Problems with getting and maintaining an erection;
  • Tingling in the limbs;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Increased daytime sleepiness;
  • Change in pupillary response to light;
  • Stomach discomfort and reluctance to eat;
  • Numbness of fingers, hands, feet and other parts of the body.

The risk of adverse reactions should not be taken lightly. Some of them, such as allergies, can be serious, but most are temporary and minor.

Disulfiram: interaction with other drugs

There is a number of medicines that can potentially interact with Antabuse. This interaction does not always mean that it harms your health. In most cases, the result of the interaction is a small change in the effectiveness of one of the drugs.

Disulfiram may interfere with the pharmacokinetic properties of many drugs (for example, Warfarin or Theophylline), which are metabolized by liver enzymes. If you take theses medicines, their therapeutic effect on the body may increase. In this case, you need to adjust the dosage. Usually, a single dose or intake frequency of medications used with Antabuse are reduced.

Some drugs are worth attention regarding their interactions with Antabuse:

  • Certain tricyclic antidepressants (for example, Amitriptyline) increase the disulfiram-ethanol reaction;
  • Muscle relaxants, sedatives, anxiolytics, anticonvulsants, hypnotics, and benzodiazepines can reduce unpleasant disulfiram-ethanol reactions;
  • Medications that affect the regulation of blood pressure;
  • The elimination rate of Rifampicin used to treat tuberculosis and certain mycobacterial infections may change when interacting with Antabuse.

This is not a complete list. Other drugs and substances may also cause interactions. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any other medicines or herbal supplements.

Take note that drugs containing Disulfiram can interact even with a small amount of ethyl alcohol. So, during treatment, it is necessary to abandon the use of any medicines containing alcohol, such as cough syrups.


The manufacturer of Antabuse does not recommend splitting the tablets, and we do not recommend it either. If you still do this, try to use the halves of the tablets as soon as possible so that they do not lose their properties.

Exposure to light, moisture, heat and air can damage the medicine. Store Antabuse in the original packaging in a dry place at room temperature between 20°C and 25°C.

The best offer for Antabuse online on the market

If you are tired of high prices, use a simple solution and order Antabuse at our online pharmacy. Take a few minutes of your time to place an order and you can reduce the cost of maintaining yourself in forced sobriety.

The growing number of people are ordering Antabuse online at our online pharmacy as it is a convenient and economical way to get the medicine they need. We help customers save valuable time and give them the opportunity to take advantage of low prices.

Besides, our online pharmacy provides useful information about various medicines and diseases. You can find out about the action of active ingredients, drug dosage regimens, possible side effects, etc. with just one click.

You do not need to go to a drug-store to buy Antabuse or other necessary medicine, you can do it completely online by following the instructions on the website.

Antabuse Generic suosittelut

  • V
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    En ole koskaan elänyt raittiina. Ja kun olin 43-vuotias, päätin lopettaa tämän pahan tavan lopullisesti. Lääkäri suositteli Antabusta keinoksi tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi. Täytyy myöntää, että pelkäsin hieman kokeilla, koska pelkäsin, etten pystyisi lopettamaan juomista. Tahdonvoimani auttoi minua vastustamaan juopottelua, ja pilleritkin auttoivat. Ei alkoholia 78 päivään. Joka päivä minun on helpompi vastustaa juomahalua. Minulla ei ole MITÄÄN sivuvaikutuksia. Olen kiitollinen Antabuselle, se muutti elämäni paremmaksi.

  • M
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    No, voin vain sanoa WOW!!! Olin johdonmukainen ottaessani pillereitä joka päivä, ja himo oli minimaalinen.

  • K
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Tiedän, että Antabusella on sivuvaikutuksia, ja minullakin on ollut niitä - ärtyneisyyttä ja huonoa mieltä, mutta kaikki lääkkeet voivat aiheuttaa sivuvaikutuksia. Eräs ystäväni kertoi minulle: "Kun katson sinua, en halua käyttää Antabusta, koska pelkään sivuvaikutuksia". Kysyin häneltä: "Mitä sivuvaikutuksia alkoholi aiheuttaa?", ja hän pohti. Luojan kiitos Antabuksesta!!!

  • A
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Käytin Antabusta lopettaakseni juomisen 9 vuoden alkoholin väärinkäytön jälkeen. Mielestäni se on ihmelääke, ja useampien ihmisten pitäisi tietää siitä. Ystäväni kertoi minulle pillereistä, lääkäri vahvisti kaiken, ja pyysin reseptiä. Aloin elää raitista elämää. Eräänä päivänä ajattelin: "En todellakaan halua sitä", alkoholin himo meni minulta lähes huomaamatta ohi.

  • V
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Olen juonut 26 vuotta. Olen yrittänyt lopettaa ja epäonnistunut joka kerta. Sitten yritin käyttää Antabuse-pillereitä kuuden kuukauden ajan. Siitä on melkein vuosi, eikä minulla ole sen jälkeen ollut edes halua juoda. Minulla ei ollut sivuvaikutuksia, minulle tästä lääkkeestä tuli ainoa tie ulos, todellinen pelastaja. 100 % parannuskeino.


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