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Amoxil (Amoxicillin)

Amoxil (Amoxicillin)

Amoxicillin is an antibacterial drug that belongs to the penicillin group. It has a wide spectrum of action, that is, it affects different types of pathogens.

Amoxicillin, like all penicillins, has a number of features that distinguish it from other groups of antibiotics. First, it is the low toxicity and high pharmacological safety index. The drug is prescribed even for children, as it is tolerated very mildly. It provides quite a fast therapeutic effect, which allows alleviating the symptoms in adults and children in a matter of days.

Amoxicillin manifests its pharmacological activity against the following types of pathogenic microflora: aerobic gram-positive pathogens and aerobic gram-negative pathogens.

Today, it is one of the safest antibiotics on the pharmaceutical market, which is successfully used for both adults and children.

Aktiivinen ainesosa: Amoxicillin

  • Toimitus 4-9 päivää
  • Maksutavat
Ilmainen toimitus yli tilauksille 200.00€
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Drug Info

  • Brand Name: Amoxil;
  • Active Ingredient: Amoxicillin;
  • Manufacturer: GSK.

Amoxil and its drug substance Amoxicillin

The main active ingredient in Amoxil tablets is Amoxicillin. This substance has a bactericidal effect against bacteria.

When ingested, Amoxicillin is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and penetrates the bloodstream.

By blocking the synthesis of peptidoglycan (the main component of the cell wall), Amoxicillin disrupts the natural life cycle of pathogens and destroys the cell wall. Unprotected microflora dies under the influence of the antibiotic and natural protective properties of the body.

Achieving a bactericidal effect is especially important in the treatment of weakened patients, as well as in the case of severe diseases such as sepsis, endocarditis and so on when the body is unable to fight infection on its own.

Amoxicillin accumulates mostly in lungs, kidneys, respiratory system mucous membranes, urine, and blood plasma. So, the greatest effect is achieved in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory and urinary systems.

Pharmacological action of Amoxicillin is independent of the type of pathogenic microflora. If bacteria are sensitive to the effects of this antibiotic, the patient will be able to quickly suppress the activity of pathogens.

Indications for use

Amoxicillin can be used for inflammatory processes of infectious origin:

  • Organs of the respiratory system (upper and lower sections): pneumonia, bronchitis, pharyngitis, whooping cough, etc.;
  • ENT organs: otitis, sinusitis, etc.;
  • Organs of the urinary tract, including with genital infections: urethritis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis;
  • Gastrointestinal and abdominal organs: paratyphoid, gastric and duodenal ulcer, salmonellosis, cholecystitis;
  • Skin and soft tissues.

Where to buy Amoxil. Possible options

Today, Amoxil is one of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics in therapeutic practice. So, most likely, if you go to a doctor with symptoms of some infection of the organs of respiratory system or ENT organs, you will be prescribed this drug.

You can buy Amoxil by prescription at an ordinary city pharmacy. Alternatively, you can buy Amoxil online. The advantage of the second method is fast home delivery and lower price.

The price of Amoxil at a local drug-store will be 3-4 times higher than at an online pharmacy. This will be especially noticeable if you buy Amoxil for the treatment of a chronic infection that will require longer therapy (14 or 21 days).

The choice is yours, but to save money, you should consider ordering Amoxil online at a low price.

Treatment regimens and dosages

Each Amoxil tablet may contain 250 mg or 500 mg of Amoxicillin.

  • Amoxil 250 mg tablets are prescribed for children from 5 to 10 years of age, for infections of mild to moderate severity. The pills are taken at intervals of 8 hours. This is the limit dose for this age group.
  • For children aged 2 to 5 years, the tablet of Amoxil 250 mg is divided in half and taken at 125 mg 2-3 times a day.
  • Amoxil 500 mg is prescribed for patients over 10 years of age whose body weight exceeds 40 kg. As a rule, patients are prescribed 1 tablet of Amoxil 500 mg 3 times a day.

For severe infections, adults are allowed to take 2 tablets of Amoxil 500 mg 3 times a day. The maximum dose of 3000 mg can be taken for a short period of time, 1-3 days, after which the dose is reduced.

The duration of treatment of most infections with Amoxicillin is up to 7 days.

As a rule, treatment continues for at least 2 days after all symptoms have disappeared (increased temperature, inflammation).

If visual diagnosis of symptoms is problematic, a laboratory blood test for infection is required.

Recommendations for use

  • Amoxicillin has a higher acidity than other penicillins, so the tablets are not degraded by gastric acid and can be used both before and after meals.
  • Regardless of dosage and time of taking tablets, the bioavailability of the active substance for oral use is about 95 %.
  • Take the pills at the same time every 6-8 hours.
  • On every third day, take 1 tablet of the antifungal drug Fluconazole 150 mg to rule out the possibility of candidiasis.

Missed Dose

An interval of 6-8 hours is important for maintaining high levels of Amoxicillin in the blood to fight pathogens. But if you forget to take a dose, wait until the next time and take the pill as scheduled. Don’t take two or three pills to make up for missed doses.


Since Amoxicillin has a high pharmacological safety index, it is allowed to be taken by almost all patients, without exception.

Since about 80 % of Amoxicillin is excreted by the kidneys, patients with liver failure should take special care. With this pathology, it is necessary to consult a doctor and if creatinine clearance is too low, the patient may need to reduce the daily dose, increase the interval between taking pills, or refuse taking Amoxicillin.

Also, Amoxicillin is not suitable for patients with the following pathologies:

  • Exacerbation of allergic diathesis;
  • Acute bronchial asthma;
  • Pollinosis;
  • Liver failure;
  • Exacerbation of colitis or bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract with an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer.

If a patient has ever been allergic to any type of penicillin, cephalosporins, carbapenems, it is strictly contraindicated to take Amoxicillin. With a probability of 99 %, an allergic reaction will begin after taking Amoxicillin.

Special attention should be given to women who use hormonal contraceptives for birth control.

Due to its pharmacokinetic characteristics, Amoxicillin reduces the effectiveness of oral hormonal contraceptives. For this reason, while taking antibiotics, it is recommended to use additional barrier methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Use of Amoxicillin during pregnancy

Amoxicillin may be used by pregnant women provided that the potential benefit of the treatment is greater, than the potential risk to the fetus.

The use of Amoxicillin in the first trimester of pregnancy does not affect the course of pregnancy itself and childbirth.

However, Amoxicillin should not be used during lactation. This antibiotic gets into the breast milk. So, if there is an acute need for Amoxicillin, breastfeeding should be stopped temporarily.

Possible side effects

The side effects of Amoxil have a mild form and usually manifest only after overdose or failure to take precautions.

Most often, patients experience sleep disorders, weakness, nausea, diarrhea, headache.

In very rare cases, allergic reactions, muscle cramps or dysbacteriosis are possible. At the first symptoms of these reactions you should go to a doctor.

Amoxil: interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous use of Amoxil and oral anticoagulants such as Warfarin increases the likelihood of bleeding.

When combining Amoxil with Digoxin, an overdose is possible, due to the slowed excretion of both drugs from the body.

According to the instructions for Amoxicillin, its combination with other antibiotics (tetracycline drugs, Erythromycin, sulfanilamide antimicrobials) reduces their effectiveness.

Amoxicillin significantly increases the toxicity of Methotrexate, thereby significantly increasing the load on the kidneys and possible side effects.


Store in a dark place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

How to buy Amoxil 250/500 mg online?

You can buy Amoxil online 24/7, no matter where you live.

Within 24 hours of the order, the parcel with pills will be sent to the address you indicated by regular postal or courier services.

To buy Amoxil 500 mg online, you only need to decide on the number of pills and method of delivery. You can pay for your order using a Visa or MasterCard bank card.

We provide our customers with the best antibiotic delivery service in the world. Our main goal is for everyone to have access to cheap and high-quality medicines. So, when you buy Amoxil online at our pharmacy, you'll see that we are the best.

Amoxil Generic suosittelut

  • C
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Käytämme Amoxilia poskiontelotulehdukseen ja flunssaan. Minulle se sopii mainiosti, mutta muut kotitaloutemme jäsenet eivät ole kovin innokkaita käyttämään sitä, koska sillä on lievästi allergiaa muistuttava vaikutus. Minua se ei kuitenkaan häiritse lainkaan.

  • T
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Hei! Olen vältellyt hammaslääkäreitä jo yli 15 vuotta. Minulla oli niin kauan nämä kamalat laivanromut suussani. Jatkoin vain vitkuttelua ja jätin ne vain hoitamatta. Olen oikeastaan yllättynyt, että se kesti näin kauan, mutta yhtäkkiä kipu vain ampaisi eräänä yönä kalloni läpi. Koko kasvojeni vasen puoli turposi, ja nieleminen oli hyvin tuskallista. En ottanut yhteyttä lääkäriin, vaan otin vain Amoxilia, jota kämppikselläni oli. Matka hammaslääkäriin on kuitenkin vielä edessä. Toivottakaa minulle onnea jos luette tätä.

  • J
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Minulle annettiin Amoxilia flunssan kaltaisten oireiden hoitoon. Olin varma, että se oli taas covid, mutta oireet hävisivät suurelta osin 3 päivässä. Kurkku oli hieman karhea vähän aikaa sen jälkeen, mutta siihen se sitten jäi.

  • M
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Amoxil toimi täydellisesti minulle ja lapsilleni. Sillä hoidetaan kaikkea, aknesta flunssaan ja kaikenlaisiin muihin infektioihin. Se on paljon parempi kuin useimmat markkinoilla olevat penisilliinipohjaiset lääkkeet.

  • K
    Vahvistettu arvostelu

    Minulle annettiin Amoxilia viisaudenhampaani paiseiden torjumiseksi. Jos sivuvaikutuksia oli, en ollut tietoinen niistä.


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